Just let challenging your brain teaser with these set game puzzle pieces that will challenge you to take apart and assembly all these pieces together in shape in the unique way to solve it. All of them lust has to be done, just brank them off and get it back together again for fun!
Snake Puzzle
The snake cube puzzle comes with a chain of 27 cubes (3x3x3) connected by an elastic string of each cube and the material was made from natural wood design. And the goal is to arrange the snake puzzle chain to be in the square of the 3x3x3 cube.
Notched Stick
Notched stick is a wooden puzzle piece of six that there are different shapes from each other and one key. The player must assemble these puzzle pieces in precisely the correct way.
Star Puzzle
Star puzzle comes with six wooden pieces of three dimensional that the player needs to find the way to assemble the piece to the star shape.
All-Natural Wooden Puzzles – The set is made of 100% natural wood. Durable Monkey Pod wood has been used and every piece of the set is handcrafted with great precision to ensure an easy and correct fit. The wood is hypoallergenic and chemical free with no discernible odor.
Boxed Set of IQ Kids Games – The puzzles come with their own storage box with compartments for the 3 puzzles. All the pieces of the various puzzles as well as the storage box are made with monkey Pod wood which is known for its excellent quality and durability. It is 100% natural wood and obtained from socially responsible and sustainable sources. The wood is toxins and odor free and completely safe to be handled by children.
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